Hiring a super cheap barber off Craigslist? That’s a mistake.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“I knew it was wrong.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Remember in 2013, when Tony Abbott appointed himself as the Minister for Women and we didn’t think it could get any worse?View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

I would do anything for Gonzo.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Nothing to see here, just you naming your firstborn after these headache-preventing wine drops.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

I love a good roast for dinner.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“I don’t really like to watch anything I do.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“I couldn’t go back to what I was doing before and be authentic.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Thank goodness they stuck it out!View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“Using a desk calendar of naked girls as toilet paper.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Get the algorithm working in your favor with these timeline-friendly items.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Thank you, Disney+!View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“I know in a week no one will remember and life just keeps going on, but these people are gone and I am really scared.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Your secrets are safe with me!View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

For workers at nearby sex shops and strip clubs, last week’s attack on spa employees and customers marked a deadly escalation of long-standing hostility against the sex industry.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Because we don’t want you to have to try everything.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Cross-Slack messaging is here with some glaring privacy loopholes.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“Being Asian in America also means being invisible. We’re taught growing up to keep our heads down. That If you work hard enough, you will survive. But that also means our pain has gone unacknowledged.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“Bored now.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

As an adult, I am actually so, so jealous.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

He hasn’t spoken much, but his expressions say a lot.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Photographer Tōyō Miyatake, who was forced into a camp himself, documented the experiences of Japanese Americans during their World War II incarceration by the US government.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

If your day has been pure garbage, hopefully these items will turn it around.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Prosecutors said Mazini, who claimed to have a net worth of $33 million, offered to buy Bitcoin from his Instagram followers for more than market value but never sent the money.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Brew-schetta or brush-etta? There’s only one right way.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“I would say we are very much on the same wavelength.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“Very enthusiastic people.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

This might be the Pixar film with the most Easter eggs ever!View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

For those who haven’t seen them before, your world is about to be rocked.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

How moisturizing is this moisture milk? How nourishing is this shampoo? Get all the deets on the must-have hair products reviewers think are totally worth the money.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Just the thought of denim makes me cringe right now.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

“Breathing life into you for those 6 years was an honor.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Bieber is back with Justice, an inconsistent album with plenty of songs that will dominate the charts. But is this what Bieber wants?View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

So long, 17 Again and Carol.View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

*writes “My anus is bleeding” in cursive*View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

I can’t wait for this one!View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Now you’ll finally understand why they say, “Let me change into something a little more comfortable.”View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

Chill it out, take it slow!View Entire Post › Source: buzzfeed

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