On the morning of the 2019 Las Vegas Super Show, a line had already formed in front of South Hall, and upon entry they were greeted to over 700 show rides and aisle after aisle of vendor booths. Among the usual suspects, were sponsors such as Hoppos, DGA, Logos Two and Krazy Kutting and located just next to the booths was a stage where local mariachi played before artists such as Lighter Shade of Brown and MC Magic took the stage. With WC of Westside Connection headlining the show, it was an all-out affair that brought back the memories and great music of yesteryear.
This article was originally featured on Lowrider. For more stories like this, check out the Lowrider Network. And to see when Lowrider Shows are coming to a city near you, check out this page full of recaps from previous events.
Highlights of the show:
- Bobby Garza’s 1957 Bel Air “Double Trouble” has been shown at every LRM stop from coast to coast, and aside from landing Best of Show at each one he attended, his final stamp of approval came by him taking home 2019 Lowrider of the Year.
- Rounding off the top three Lowrider of the Years was Eddie Loya’s gold flaked out 1965 Impala (Spirit car club) who took second and Marcos Morales tricked out 1984 Buick Regal (Rollerz Only) taking the third and final spot.
- At the show, many believed that Huero Russell was going to place in the top three for the Lowrider of the Year (LotY) title with his his 1964 Impala named Final Judgement. Unfortunately, he was unable to win sweepstakes as he didn’t qualify at a previous show but he did win the coveted, Lowrider Excellence Award.
- In the Traditional class, Rudy Trevino took home the sweepstakes for the third and final time after he added a two-tone paintjob and new trunk airbrushing on Cloud ‘9.
- The competitive Frank Calderon debuted the new version of his ’42 Chevy and all the hard work landed him the title of Bomb of the Year.
- Chris Roark retired Perfect Score but came out with his all fuel-injected ’57 convertible and won the Original of the Year title.
- Gene Bare’s 1992 Silverado repeat as the Truck of the Year, while Sal Sierra won the Bomb Truck of the Year for the very first time.
The all-indoor show proved to be a successful one, and as we plan for something bigger and better in 2020, you can be rest assured that we’ve learned from our mistakes and are here to make up for lost time. With Joe Ray at the helm of our brand, he’s looking for an exciting 2020 and had this to say about the Super Show: “I said it was going to be a super event and it could have never of happened without the man upstairs and all the people who continue to support our brand and our events. This is what happens when we all join together. This is what happens when we’re not pulling each other down.”
With that said, we’d like to thank everyone for their continued support and don’t forget to log on to LowriderShows.com to see our 2020 Tour that kicks off next month in College Station, TX. The best has yet to come folks. Trust us on this.
The post Lowriders in Vegas! See Lowrider Photos From the 2019 Las Vegas Super Show appeared first on MotorTrend.